Techsuyo '23
Techsuyo is the conference that brings together the Peruvian professional community in the areas of science, technology and innovation. With more than 300 people in attendance in Arequipa, Peru, this is one of the largest tech conferences in Latam.
Google Student Summit Peru '23
First in-person Google student summit in South America, with the goal to build a relationship between students from racialized communities in Peru. Held in Arequipa, Peru, around 180 students from 20 universities attended the event that fostered inclusion, a sense of belonging and allyship with Google and our communities.
Outreach Activities
Volunteer at Google’s booth in Women Impact Tech (SF) ‘23
Volunteer at Google’s booth in Grace Hopper Celebration ‘22
Panelist at Early Career Women in Tech: Software Engineer pathways at Google live event with ~300 attendees.
Programming mentor at Dev/Mission on the Apprenticeship Fall ‘22 program
Lecturer at WarmiLab’s “Taller de Programacion en Python” for girls in Peru in 2021
Hack KU '19 & '20
HackKU is an annual 36-hour hackathon at the University of Kansas, where students can have the opportunity to innovate new ideas, discover different paths, and push the boundaries of technology. Lead the team that organized and fundraised a 300 participant’s hackathon (‘23). Quadrupled the attendance in a year and helped obtain $17000 in funding (‘19).